A computer is a machine that can store and process information and it comes in different shapes and sizes from smartphones to supercomputers weighing more than 300 tons. We can say the history of computers began with simple adding machines, however, the invention of the transistor and multiprocessor in the 20th century led to the modern-day computer. The computer as we know it today began in the 19th century when Charles Babbage designed the Analytical Engine.
However, before the power of computing could be realized, the naive view of using computers for only calculations had to be conquered. The investors of the computer had to learn that what they were investing was not merely a number cruncher, they had to figure out a way to make the computer solve all kinds of problems even problems that were not yet imagined, and to do this they had to invent programming.
With the increasing number of internet users in the late 1990s business profited from the efficiency of the computer systems and the networks that connected them which included the ability to coordinate designs, manufacture, distribution, and sales.
Also, global trading in real-time was made possible in ways never seen before, changing the way transactions were previously done. From the first Laptops in the 1990s to the PDAs and smartphones of today, it has become possible to work and do business across the world.
- The first electronic computer ENIAC weighed more than 27 tons and took up 1800 square feet.
- TYPEWRITER is the longest word that you can write using the letters only on one row of the keyboard of your computer.
- Doug Engelbart invented the first computer mouse around 1964 which was made of wood.
- There are more than 5000 new computer viruses released every month.
- The first hard drive was created in 1979 and it could only hold 5MB of data.
- If there was a computer as powerful as the human brain, it would be able to do 38 thousand trillion operations per second and hold more than 3580 terabytes of memory.
- The internet was invented in 1989 by Sir Tim Burner Lee and by now there are more than 17 billion devices connected to the internet.
- The password for the computer controls of nuclear-tipped missiles of the U.S was 00000000 for eight years.
- HP, Microsoft, and Apple have one very interesting thing in common – they were all started in a garage.
- The first 1GB hard disk drive was announced in 1980 which weighed about 550 pounds and had a price tag of $40, 000.
- In 1936, the Russians made a computer that ran on water.
- The original name of windows was Interface Manager.
- The first microprocessor created by Intel was the 4004. It was designed for a calculator, and at that time nobody imagined where it would lead.
- Only 8% of the world’s currency is physical money. The rest exist on computers.
- One out of every 8 married couples in the US met online.
- While it took the radio 38 years and the television a short 13 years, it took the internet only 4 years to reach 50 million users.
Just as computers and the demand for them evolved and grew rapidly, website hosting has also evolved and become increasingly popular in recent times. In the past website hosting was majorly used by universities and big institutions to pass across information mostly because it was very expensive.
However, in today’s world, website hosting has not only become affordable it has also become a very important component in the growth of any company such that small, medium and big businesses now have websites and employ the services of a web host.
At Listed Hosting we are one of the foremost and trusted web hosting and domain name providers in Nigeria.